Hello-Hello. I just got this W1209 temperature control switch and wanted to document all the online / offline notes properly. Let’s have fun! The W1209 is a low cost thermostat controller which lets you control power to most types of electrical devices based on the temperature sensed by NTC temperature sensor. Relay contats to heater/cooler […]
Guide for Using Real Time Clock with Arduino

Introduction DS3231 is a low-cost , accurate I2C real-time clock ( RTC ) which keeps track of time. RTCs are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time. It should not be confused with hardware clocks which are signals that oscillate between a high and a low state. RTCs have an […]
Sending a Tweet by Waving your hand

In this tutorial, we will be using a PIR Motion Sensor and a NodeMCU to send a custom tweet when you wave your hand. I have already made a tutorial on PIR Motion Sensors to refer to : PIR Motion. Without any delay, lets jump in! Things Required Twitter Account NodeMCU Jumper Wires PIR Motion […]
Guide for Dust Sensor with Arduino

GP2Y1010AU0F or Sharp PM2.5 Dust Sensor consists of an Infrared Emitting Diode and Phototransistor ( which we are going to discuss shortly ) which detects the reflected light of dust in air and is efficient in detecting fine particles. It is compact with low consumption current ( max of 20mA ). It is commonly used […]
Guide For Using Capacitive Touch Sensor with Processing

In this Tutorial, we will be learning how to use Capacitive Touch Sensor and its integration with Processing. If you are new to Processing, have a look at my previous Processing Tutorials from scratch : Processing – Tutorial 1 Processing – Tutorial 2 Introduction TTP223 Capacitive Sensor is a low-cost device. When you touch the […]
Guide for PS2 Style Joystick

A PS2 Style Joystick is very similar to PS2 controllers and is a thumb operated device. There are 2 potentiometers ( one for each axis and of 10k each ). It even includes a select button which can be pressed. In this tutorial, we will be using a 2-axis joystick module. Parts Required 1 x […]
Guide for ADXL335 Accelerometer with Arduino

ADXL335 Accelerometer measures acceleration or responds to acceleration, detecting when something starts to move or stop. It can even detect how something is oriented with respect to the Earth’s surface. They come in various types and different number of axes they can sense. Here, we’ll be using 3 axes accelerometer, sensing acceleration in all three […]
Guide for SD Card Reader with Arduino

This post is about how to use the Micro SD Card Reader with the Arduino. This will allow you to store the relevant data into a Micro SD Card. We’ll also be discussing how a Micro SD Card works. Micro SD Card Micro SD Cards or Secure Digital works on Flash Memory ( Click here […]
Guide for Color Sensor with Arduino Mega

TCS-3200 Color Sensor is a programmable Color Light to Frequency Converter Module which can detect and measure nearly a limitless range of visible colors. It has an array of photo detectors, each with either a red, green, blue or no filter. The filters of each color are distributed evenly throughout the array to eliminate location […]
Guide for PIR Motion Sensor with Arduino

PIR or Passive Infrared Sensors help you to sense motion. They consume less power, easy to use and inexpensive. They are made up of a pyroelectric sensor ( which is visible as the round metal can with a rectangular crystal in the center ) which can detect levels of infrared radiation. Overview Infrared Radiation : […]